© All Saints Players 2024

Full of Eastern promise the tale of Aladdin is packed with adventure and music as we take you on a magical carpet ride from ancient China to Abanazar’s lair in Egypt. Marvel at Widow Twankey’s Wash ‘n Nosh, incorporating a fully automated laundry, although the washing does not always come out whiter than white. Suitable for all ages from 5 to 105 as we try and banish those January winter blues.

ALADDIN  by Alan P Frayn

Previous Productions

January 2013

Aladdin - Lisa Barker     Wishee Wahsee - Mike Buckley     Widow Twankey - Steve Wright     Princess Mandarin - Moya Kelly     So-Shy - Alexandra Webb     The Emperor - Ken Woolnough     PC Wong - Anne Woolnough     PC Pong - Audrey Webb     Abanazer - Gary Clapperton     Spirit of the Ring - Betty Storey     Genie of the Lamp - Colin Daly     Chorus - Jennifer Wright  Diana Locke  Gill Waugh  Chris Garn  John Luckett